Saturday, February 27, 2010

right now

A few days ago I was talking with Pete and telling him how much happier I will be once our kitchen is renovated. My darling husband gently reminded me of how,  just two months ago, when we were staying in my sisters basement waiting to move to our new home I said to him "all I need is to just get in our house and I'll be happy." This observation really struck a cord and I have been thinking about it ever since.
In my yoga classes, I try to teach my students to tune into themselves and to be more mindful of the moment. By focusing on our bodies and our breath, we can stay present during a pose - even if its a particularly difficult one - and maybe even find some sweetness in it. I think that this practice on our mats can, given the chance, translate into an ability to notice things on a day to day basis that we wouldn't otherwise have noticed. Sometimes I get so caught up in a want-to-have-that-right-now mentality, that I forget to stop and enjoy this amazing life I have, right now!
Life is imperfect, I realize that. But there is often so much beauty even in the imperfection itself - if we just take the time to focus and be more present. No, my new dream kitchen isn't a reality yet, but at least I have a kitchen. More importantly, I have the two sweetest little kitchen helpers and a husband who genuinely appreciates and enjoys the food we take the time to make.
Yeah, I think thats pretty sweet.

If we do not have peace and joy right now, when will we have peace and joy - tomorrow, or after tomorrow? 
-Thich Nhat Han

Saturday, February 13, 2010

my man.

Dance me to your beauty
with a burning violin
Dance me through the panic
till I'm gathered safely in
Lift me like an olive branch
and be my homeward dove
Dance me to the end of love

-Leonard Cohen

Pete has never been one for over-the-top gestures when it comes to traditional celebrations. Typically, I am fine with that (as long as he doesn't forget Mother's Day) but the other night he gave me the sweetest gift I could have ever asked for.
We had just finished putting the boys to bed, and my love met me in the hallway. He reached out for me and told me that he loved me. He told me that he appreciates all I do for our family; how I take care of him and the boys, keep a clean home, and feed them healthy meals. He told me that he knew how much of myself I sacrifice to be a mama and said he was so very grateful to have me as a partner. He told me I was beautiful, all the while wrapping me in a powerful and warm embrace.
Brought tears to my eyes to hear those words.
Sometimes its nice just to hear those words.

Happy Valentine's Day to you and yours!


Its a beautiful winter wonderland outside.

A little cold for the babes, we are enjoying it inside making crafts, baking brownies and drinking hot chocolate.

A good day, indeed.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

budding artists

After Henry poured an entire container of glue onto his crayons - "look, crayon soup mom!" - I decided to melt them down and make new ones. The little ones love their new "crayon balls".

There is nothing more beautiful or inspiring to me than children's artwork. I think displaying my children's creations shows them that I support and encourage their artistic expression and appreciate the precious pieces they worked so hard on.

I purchased some frames last week (which are crooked in this photo)  and finally got these paintings of Henry's up on the wall. I keep catching glimpses of him admiring them.
Be still, my heart.

Little Trooper.

He throw up a few times last night. I think I was more bothered by it than him.

We made blueberry muffins when we woke up, which seemed to lift everyone's spirit.

Sunday, February 7, 2010

now all he needs are some glasses, a magic wand and a lightning bolt scar..

Henry made up "his bed" in the bottom of the hallway closet a few days ago...I love this kid's imagination.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

la cuisine




The boys received this lovely kitchen from Natural Pod as a gift from their Grandmama and Grampie for Christmas. We are all so in love. This is definitely our most treasured toy, and the boys have already spent countless hours cooking up yummy meals and playing "tea time". It is in the center of our living room, which I love because it lets them still be a part of things and keeps us all involved in the fun. It also allows me to cook, clean or knit while still keeping on eye on one rather bossy chef!

Yesterday we had hot chocolate chip muffin mans and at this very moment I am enjoying a bowl of egg potato monster soup. Delicious!

Oh, February.

It seems like every time this month rolls around, I find myself slipping into a bit of a lull. I can't help but feel a little down and a bit grumpy...I think it comes from being stuck inside for the majority of the day and feeling so very ready for spring. All of my magic tricks for keeping the babes happy while they are trapped inside have been used up and we are all starting to get a little antsy.
But this year I am going to try to beat the February Funk by capturing a bit of my happiness everyday, because even amidst all of my self pity, I can assure you there is so much to be happy about around these parts.
So, I may not have very many words, but I will be posting pictures of happiness every few days.

Stay warm,