A few days ago I was talking with Pete and telling him how much happier I will be once our kitchen is renovated. My darling husband gently reminded me of how, just two months ago, when we were staying in my sisters basement waiting to move to our new home I said to him "all I need is to just get in our house and I'll be happy." This observation really struck a cord and I have been thinking about it ever since.
In my yoga classes, I try to teach my students to tune into themselves and to be more mindful of the moment. By focusing on our bodies and our breath, we can stay present during a pose - even if its a particularly difficult one - and maybe even find some sweetness in it. I think that this practice on our mats can, given the chance, translate into an ability to notice things on a day to day basis that we wouldn't otherwise have noticed. Sometimes I get so caught up in a want-to-have-that-right-now mentality, that I forget to stop and enjoy this amazing life I have, right now!
Life is imperfect, I realize that. But there is often so much beauty even in the imperfection itself - if we just take the time to focus and be more present. No, my new dream kitchen isn't a reality yet, but at least I have a kitchen. More importantly, I have the two sweetest little kitchen helpers and a husband who genuinely appreciates and enjoys the food we take the time to make.