Monday, April 19, 2010

Friday, April 16, 2010

{ this moment }

A single photo - no words - capturing a moment from the week. A simple, special, extraordinary moment. A moment I want to pause, savor and remember. 


Yesterday was my birthday and I had the most wonderful day.

Henry woke me up by singing his version of "happy birthday", then he asked me for HIS presents ~ I got a delicious bowl of oatmeal with blueberries for breakfast ~ My best friend called me for a nice long chat ~ I did laundry ~ I got a super swank wheelbarrow from my sweetie ~ I swept and vaccumed ~ My sister treated me to lunch - without the kids! ~ I cleaned 3 poopy diapers ~ I read lots of Franklin books ~ I swept again ~ I kissed two bobos ~ My Mama dropped off cupcakes ~ I ordered pizza for dinner (mine is sooo much better) ~ I put the kids to bed ~ My love made popcorn and we snuggled up with a movie.

Yeah, it was pretty wonderful.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

our greatest adventure yet

If you have been reading my blog, I am sure that you are already aware of my passion for growing and eating food. Pete and I have been dreaming and talking about owning a farm for years and years.  I recently realized that that was all that we were doing, though - dreaming and talking. There are always so many reasons not to follow your dreams, right? Money, fear, time...
Well, this year we are setting our reservations aside and taking the plunge - and have decided to start urban farming! We are following SPIN (Small Plot INtensive) farming methods and have converted every last foot of our front and backyard into gardens (which, by city standards, is fairly large).
We have been busy, to say the least, and the work is overwhelming and a bit crazy, but breathtaking and rewarding and meaningful all at the same time.
Rather than starting our business and selling at the farmers market right off the bat, I wanted to take some of the pressure off (and see if I could, in fact, do this with two babes), so we have teamed up with another farming couple, Tim and Carla Schultz from The Green Ranch and are growing for them this year. Tim has been an amazing resource and friend throughout this whole process and their passion for local agriculture and sustainable food is completely contagious and I couldn't be more excited about the coming season! They currently sell at the Regina's Farmers Market, have a thriving CSA program, as well as sell local, ethically raised meats, naturally grown produce and a variety of organic flours to a few restaurants in Regina - The Fainting Goat being one of them. The cats who own The Goat are pretty fantastic - they support local farmers, artists and musicians. Plus, the food is amazing. Just sayin'.
I am going to be documenting every step of our adventure on this ol' blog. Any feed back or advice is greatly appreciated - we're novices, after all!
It is our sincerest hope that we will learn and, excuse the pun, grow as farmers and human beings through this experience, and then bring our new knowledge and business back home to Deep River, Ontario when the time is right.

We are so thrilled. Wish us luck!