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bonne fete.
Lately, I've been thinking a lot about celebration and traditions, and how exactly I want to incorporate them into our lives. Pete and I are both turned off by many of our major holidays for the simple reason that in so many respects, we have deviated from the original spirit and meaning of the events we are meant to be celebrating. So many of our traditions have been corrupted by money and consumer impulse. That being said, I think that we can make the decision to celebrate in a deliberate and unselfish way that honours our traditions and our modern views and ways of living. And besides, I love a reason to cook. Any chance to prepare a slow cooked meal, made with love, care and patience is brilliant and in itself something worth celebrating. I also believe that in all of our celebrations we should take time to venture outside and connect with Mother Nature. After all, without our natural environment there's no ground or possibility for celebration what so ever.
Birthdays have never been terribly important to me, until I gave birth. Now, I know that the day we entered into this world is worth celebrating.
So, today is Pete's birthday! Pete is such a dream come true and my soul mate who helps me to be the best that I can be. He has such integrity and conviction and always supports me in following my dreams. He is a wonderful father and for all of these reasons, I wanted today to be extra special. So, I made him something from my heart (shown below), and for the rest of the day, we are going to walk the mountain, hit up the flea market, and make a yummy dinner and cozy up on the couch!
Wishing you all a wonderful, relaxing weekend!
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