Thursday, January 28, 2010

North Renfrew Times

This is an article I wrote for a newspaper in the Ottawa Valley, which was published yesterday.

Deep River We Miss You

I miss Deep River the most in the dead of winter. When the excitement from the holidays has faded and we find ourselves faced with some long and cold months ahead. Most of our time is spent indoors, where our play naturally becomes quieter and more reflective; me with my knitting, my husband with his guitar and the boys playing with their trucks or in their little kitchen. There is always a pot of homemade soup on the stove and a hot cup of tea in hand. We try to get out of doors as much as possible, sacrificing the warmth of our home to bare the elements and get some fresh air and invigorating play time.

It is during these moments that my thoughts drift back to this time last year, which was spent in the Ottawa Valley. Even in the bitter cold, most souls in Deep River would brave the weather for some sunshine and exercise and we were always sure to find a friendly passerby with whom to exchange a warm greeting. The smells of our small town have yet to elude me and I can still quite perfectly remember the incredible, crisp, fresh air and the aroma of pine and wood smoke rising steadily from many a chimney.

I found Deep River to be a place where “common courtesy” really is still common and the sense of community is strong and vibrant. The people are kind, intelligent and thoughtful with a richer than usual awareness of the immense natural beauty that surrounds them. By and large, they seem also to posses a deeper respect for Mother Nature than in most other places in the country I’ve lived or visited.

Although as a family we only spent one short year in Deep River, I have never felt more at home or more a part of a community in all of my life. This idyllic little out-of-the-way town has shaped and changed me in profound and countless ways and I feel its presence in every fiber, cell and bone in my body. It has reached all of the corners of my heart, and I miss it’s very special people to no end.

My husband and I have both vowed that we will return to our beautiful home on Spring Avenue, in our beautiful town of Deep River just as soon as we are able.

Deep River we miss you and we will be home soon!