Friday, January 1, 2010

twenty ten.

New Beginnings.

I always get a little giddy around New Years. There are so many possibilities that lay ahead for the coming year, and an opportunity to leave past mistakes behind and focus on the future...Its a magical time, really.
For the past few years though, I have tried moving away from resolutions that focus on results of a new behaviour, rather than the behaviour itself. You know, the typical "lose weight and get in shape" variety.
I want to make positive changes in my life with an intention of something wondrous and promising.
Here are a few of my ideas for a fresh start.
1. Give more love.
2. Find more time for my yoga practice.
3. Begin baking my own bread.
4. Send more hand written letters to loved ones.
5. Slow down. Breathe.
6. Knit a sweater.
7. Make another quilt.
8. Grow more of my own food.
9. Smile at complete strangers everyday.
10. Resolve to delight in life itself.

Be well,


  1. I have an excellent no-knead bread recipe - it's a snap when trying to chase a toddler, be active, work, etc. That said, I miss the act of kneading bread when I make it. Let me know if you want the recipe!
